Alive: Origamibiro
Origamibiro are a uniquely talented collective comprised of musician, composer and bandleader Tom Hill, bass player Andy Tytherley and artist and filmmaker Jim Boxall. Tom’s background encompasses numerous ventures including produced an album and several releases (alongside Noel Murphy) as Wauvenfold, in the days when electronica soared high in the clouds.
I had the pleasure of designing artwork for two of Wauvenfold’s releases as well as Origamibiro’s second album ‘Shekkai’. I have also been lucky enough to Dj alongside some of their spectacular live performances on several occasions. Their live performances are always an enveloping and cinematic experience combining music and film in an ethereal and abstract narrative. At their best, their live performances can be gripping in a way that can’t be expressed alone through just visuals or sound.
I had the pleasure in 2012 of putting them on at Nottingham Contemporary which was again another great live performance.
Also their most recent album Odham's Standard is out now Denovail Records.
If you're not familiar with their work, seeing them live is a must, check out this video to a get flavour of their unique performance style.